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Opening Yoga Poses That Lengthen Your Psoas

Saturday, November 15, 2014

The psoas is a core muscle with a big job to do — and most people don't even know what it is! Traditionally categorized as a hip flexor, the psoas is attached to the lower spine and the thigh, and runs through the pelvis and over the hip joint. Every time you stand, walk, or run, your psoas is engaged. 

  • Begin in Mountain Pose. Put all your weight into your left foot and lift your right foot off the ground. Grab onto your right ankle with your right hand, flex your foot, and place your heel as far up your standing leg as possible with your toes pointing down.
  • To prevent your right foot from sliding down, actively press your left leg and the sole of your right foot against each other. Draw your right knee back to open your hip.
  • Press your palms together in front of your heart or raise your arms into the air, gazing forward. Hold for five breaths. Switch legs and go for another five breaths.

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